Too Much of a Good Thing

Too much of a good thing – that’s how I feel about technology today.  The new and the better (of whatever) comes out so quickly my head spins.  New Phones, new operating systems, on and on it goes.  Messages to “connect” on this network and that network, and once you do connect there are more messages telling you to “friend” or “link” with people, to “like” this or that, it just goes on and on.
When I do respond to one of these messages in my email I find myself sucked into web sites where I am suddenly enmeshed in messages from friends and family and before I know it an hour or two has passed.  Time is the most precious commodity we have and it can easily be frittered away each day, technology will literally suck the time out of your days.
You have to remember that the computer is a tool, the phone is a tool, the TV, the radio, the internet itself is only a tool.  Tools are there to serve us.  We create them to make life easier not more difficult.  Probably the most important thing a person can learn in this modern day is to say “no,” not to other people but to our machines, our tools, ourselves.  Say no, and do what is important to you, to your life.  Reclaim your minutes, your hours, and your days.  Keep the tools, just use them as tools, not as a way to fritter away time.  Don’t let them tell you what to do, do what you want, what’s important.

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