Things Are Just Homework We Give Ourselves

Every time you buy something or bring some new item home you are, in your own unique way, giving yourself homework to do. Each item must be unwrapped, if purchased; it’s receipt put somewhere, the wrappings put somewhere, the item put somewhere. Some items will require upkeep, and some fuel (batteries or electricity). Whatever it is it will require some part of you, your energy, your time, your living space.

When we have a budget we can often find the will power to forego things. We decide what we can afford and use that as our guideline before we spend money. But what about our time? What if we had a second budget one that took into account our time and space? Especially our time. Time is the one thing that slips through our hands before we even notice it. Our possessions take our time without asking and we often give it, unconsciously or even resentfully.

The next time you want to buy something and bring it home consider what it will take from you. How much of your time will it demand? How much of the space in your home will it need? What will you get in return? Often the things we buy only bring us momentary enjoyment, once purchased the enjoyment quickly fades and the item is soon put aside. The next time the impulse to buy hits, pause and ask yourself these important questions. Guard your time and money from inanimate objects. Be aware that someone is “selling” these items and they are not interested in if the purchase is a good purchase for you or not, they are interested in their own business and sales which is to be expected. Only you can decide if an item is worth the cost of your money, time, and space. Don’t discount your time, money can be earned and space added, but time is a finite resource, irreplaceable in your life, once given it can’t be retrieved. Guard your time, especially from things.

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